The Fear of Changing Jobs

The fear of changing jobs is a fear that plagues many people. The fear may be holding you back from happiness and reaching your potential. There’s no time like the present, so realize, identify, assess, and conquer the fear today!
Follow these simple steps to overcome the fear of changing jobs:
Realize the fear. Ask yourself how you would rate your job from 1-10, being specific about every detail of your job (the atmosphere, your duties, pay, company, etc). If your job rates low after assessing, it may be time to find a career that would be a better fit.
Identify the nature of your fear. You may be scared to push yourself, feel like you’ve put in too much time to leave, scared of making the wrong decision, have a fear of change/the unknown, there are many factors that can make you afraid. However, once you identify the nature you can move forward.
Assess the fear. Separate your fears into two categories irrational and rational. Try to dismiss the irrational fear from your thought process and then focus on the rational fears.
Conquer the fear. What you can gain from making a change outweighs what you lose. Conquer the fear and move forward with your life.
Check out some resolutions for your career Here!