Summertime Performance Lag

Temperatures are rising, pools are opening, vacations are approaching, our minds are drifting to fun summer activities. The weather is beautiful and the beach is calling our name, it’s no wonder productivity decreases during summer months. However, it’s important to keep up your performance to reach your annual goals and maintain your professional reputation. Be aware of your leisurely mindset.
Take the following steps to fight the summertime productivity lag:
Rethink priorities. Identify the most important tasks and complete these first.
Identify daily/time-consuming tasks. Cut out the unimportant tasks, use automated software to complete certain tasks, and/or simply rearrange your to-do list to find spare time.
Set achievable goals. Write down important goals and set reasonable deadlines to achieve them.
Evaluate performance. It’s important to constantly evaluate your performance, especially in the summer months.
Avoid distractions. Close the blinds, put your phone away, do whatever you need to do to focus on the task at hand.
Take breaks. Schedule breaks at the best times to refresh.
It’s easy to stay motivated when you love what you do check out Fall in Love with Your Career.