Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Common tips for having a successful interview include dressing appropriately, arriving on time (5-10 minutes early), being aware of your body language, and following up after the interview. In addition to these best practices, there are certain interview mistakes that should be avoided to ensure success.

Such interview mistakes include:

Complaining about your current employer. Put thought questions such as “Why are you looking to leave your current company?”. Complaining about your current company or management makes you seem immature and disrespectful. 

Being vague. Vaguely answering questions can be very frustrating to an interviewer. While your resume may be truly sublime, it’s not recommended to simply recite the information from it.

Not doing research. Asking questions that you would know the answers to had you researched the company is a big give away that you have not prepared.

Forgetting to ask questions. Check out Questions for Your Interview (Before, During, and After) for a list of questions.

Interrupting the interviewer. Let your interviewer finish their sentences, this may be difficult the more excited you are about the opportunity.

Asking about time off. This is a question that can be addressed later. If you seem overly concerned about time off the interviewer may question your commitment.

Talking too much. Just as you should not interrupt your interviewer, talking too much will not be appreciated.

Representing yourself inaccurately. Avoid lying and exaggerating during the entire application and interview process.

Appearing too desperate. There’s a fine line between being excited and appearing desperate.

You seem unexcited by the opportunity. Just as you shouldn’t seem desperate you also shouldn’t seem bored. Keep eye contact and be present in the conversation. 

Check out more interview tips here.

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